Sex Offenders

California has implemented structures and requirements to reduce the re-offense risk of registered sex offenders. State law establishes that all registrants on state parole or county probation be managed within the “Containment Model” and required to enter and successfully complete a sex offender treatment program certified by CASOMB.


Comprehensive assessment will be completed in 90 and no more than 120 days, and will incorporate the following:

1. Risk levels for sexual reoffense and violent reoffense using the SARATSO approved risk instruments.
2. Criminogenic needs identified on the dynamic risk assessment tools
3. Identify issues related to engagement and responsivity
4. Neurodevelopmental impairments, traumatic brain injuries,
5. Trauma history
6. Cognitive functioning
7. Presence of mental health issues
8. Drug and alcohol use
9. Level of denial or responsibility taking
10. Degree of coercion and violence in sexual offense(s)
11. Prior history of violence, e.g., domestic violence, assaults
12. Presence of sexual deviance, interests, and paraphilia
13. Antisocial orientation including criminal or sexual behavior, or psychopathy
14. Social relationship history
15. Review of criminal justice and other collateral information
16. Offender-specific psychological testing, when indicated.
17. Pertinent medical history
18. Motivation and amenability to treatment
19. Any past treatment history and response
20. Other case-specific information

Treatment Planning

Upon admission to the LPSSOS, an individualized treatment plan will be developed for each participant and updated every 90 days thereafter. During the treatment planning process, clients will always be afforded the opportunity to provide input regarding their treatment plan goals, objectives, needs, strengths, and weaknesses. The treatment plan is to be reflective of the clients needs as they relate to treatment as well as other empirically supported risk factors associated with sexual offending addressed in the material covered during the particular 90 day period . A copy of the signed treatment plan will be provided to the client.

Successful Treatment

(1) accepting responsibility for my offense behaviors.
(2) developing a supervision network of carefully selected family and/or friends who can help me with my recovery; (3) changing thinking patterns that contributed to my offenses.
(4) developing empathy for my victims and others.
(5) controlling my sexual arousal patterns.
(6) improving social skills related to my offending behavior such as anger management, conflict resolution, self-esteem. alcohol and drug abuse, and stress management; and
(7) developing relapse prevention skills by identifying and learning how to avoid high risk situations and intervening in my offense cycle.

Free Confidential Assessment

Call Lee Psychological Services today for a free confidential telephone assessment. 
We look forward to hearing from you.