Compassionate psychotherapy, confidential sex addiction treatment, comprehensive substance abuse assistance
Lee Psychological Services
Lee Psychological Services has assisted clients with issues ranging from chemical dependency to mood disorders and HIV. Clients come to us for professional and compassionate guidance in creating the most appropriate treatment plan for their success. In addition to Family Violence, Substance Abuse, and Trauma Services, Lee Psychological Services is now offering a unique program for men struggling with Sex and Relationship Addiction.
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Is Sex Addiction a Real Disorder?
Yes, sex addiction is a real disorder that can be treated. It is one of the most common addictions in our society, but there are

Tools and Techniques for Managing Stress
We all know that taking care of yourself when you’re feeling stressed is important, but it can be hard to stick with this habit. In

The Dangers of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
The abuse of drugs and alcohol can lead to some terrible consequences. Some people feel like they don’t have a choice but to drink or